[dlvorg] Dates for DLV 2015, Admin Committee, etc. ...

From: Diva Las Vegas organizers <dlvorg_at_geekbabe.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 08:41:08 -0500 (CDT)

In this mailing:

Org List
Next steps forward
Dates for DLV 2015
Small gallery
Information project
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Org List:

This is the DLV 2015 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg_at_geekbabe.com)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Next steps forward:

First of all, we're holding the Call For Photos open through the July
4th. weekend. (May the 4th. be with you!) :) This is the absolute last
call for this year.

The key item in this mailing is the introduction of the date selection
process for DLV 2015. Please read carefully and discuss and comment as
you see fit.
. . . . .

We now have a contested election for the "even year" Administrative
Committee seat. Please see below.
. . . . .

One piece of the Information Project, the Gender Wiki, is taking shape.
See note and link below.
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Dates for DLV 2015:

Annie writes:

One of the key decisions of the ORG is the selection of the dates for
the upcoming 2015 event.

The selection of the date span is up to the group. We (Project
Management Team) are submitting a list of all weeks between late March
and early May, with agreed-upon notes on why they may or may not be
appropriate for our event.

There are many many factors that may play a part in our decision, but no
single factor can trump all others. In the end it's the product of what
we discuss in the next few weeks and what those of voting status make
the final decision upon.

We've historically attempted to avoid weeks which are dominated by
popular family and religious commitments (Easter, Holy Week, Passover,
Mothers Day) and those weeks when large conventions, which can cause
room rates to spike significantly, occur.

Yes, availability of volunteers can be taken into consideration, along
with all other factors.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: If you are an active volunteer, it is critical that
you make any conflicts known as soon as possible during the discussion.
Please DO NOT WAIT until after a decision is made to announce your lack
of availability for certain dates!
. . . . . . . . .

Here, now, is a list of noted conflicts, and an analysis of each potential

As Tina used to say, let's round up the usual suspects!

Easter is Sunday, April 5. Holy Week is Sunday, March 29. thru Sunday,
April 5. Passover is Friday, April 3 thru Saturday, April 11.

NAB (National Association of Broadcasters Convention, the only major
event in this range of weeks capable of causing city-wide room rate
spikes) is Saturday April 11 thru Thursday, April 16.

Mothers Day is Sunday, May 10. Our Standing Rules prohibit any events or
activities on Mothers day or the Friday and Saturday immediately prior
to Mothers Day.
. . . . . . . . . .

Examining every week between late March and early May:

Week beginning Sunday, March 22: No noted issues.

Week beginning Sunday, March 29: Holy week. Family conflicts.

Week beginning Sunday, April 5: Easter Sunday, Passover, family

Week beginning Sunday, April 12: NAB conference. High room rates.

Week beginning Sunday, April 19: No noted issues.

Week beginning Sunday, April 26: No noted issues.

Week beginning Sunday, May 3: Mothers Day is May 10. Friday, May 8 is
off limits.

Week beginning Sunday, May 10: Mothers Day. Off limits.
. . . . . . . . . .

This leaves three weeks with no significant issues:

Week beginning Sunday, March 22: No noted issues.
Week beginning Sunday, April 19: No noted issues.
Week beginning Sunday, April 26: No noted issues.

You may consider these three weeks to have been placed in nomination by
(Annie, Beverly, JoAnn, pick one) and seconded by (pick another).

I (Annie), personally, have no issues with any of these three weeks. I
want to see us adopt the timeframe which will give us the best level of
participation and I will make any of these work for me.

The floor is now open for discussion on the dates for DLV 2015.
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Small gallery:

Dionne writes:

I made contact with Dr. Laura of Sin City Gallery:


This is a small gallery located at 107 E. Charleston Blvd., #100 It holds
just 20 visitors at a time and there is no admission fee.

They are currently honoring Bunny Yeager; Sin City Gallery Honors
Photographer Bunny Yeager This might make a small event for DLV 2015.

I'm planning another trip to Vegas and will visit this one, personally.
I will be glad to provide a report, afterwards. Could this fit into next
years' plans?
. . . . . . . . . .

Annie responds:

Yes, something like this could easily fit into our schedule. We've done
"Art Tour" things most years since the early 2000s.

The address above indicates that this is part of the Arts Factory, where
we held our Pre-DLV gathering this past March. There will be several
other galleries and exhibits in the same facility.

As an aside, for those of you not familiar with the late Bunny Yeager,
she is best known as being one who "graduated" from the front of the
camera as a pin-up model to the rear of the camera as a quite talented
photographer. Her works appeared in Playboy and other publications over
the years. She is known for introducing the vintage model Bettie Page to
the public. Google them both if you have time and enjoy eye candy. :)
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Dionne writes:

As such, I would like to self-nominate for this one and an At-large
member of the Administrative Committee.
. . . . . . . . . .

Thanks Dionne.

I (Annie) will second your nomination.

This means that we have a contested race for the "Even Year" seat. Floor
is open for discussion. When this dies down we will call for votes.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Information project:

Dionne writes:

The post-DLV 'slow season' requires some adjustment. I was into the
rhythm of writing more frequently. Since I like to write in verbose
mode, it seems I would enjoy the writing project. I think I posted
something similar on MyDLV here;

http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/mydlv/mainforum/viewtopic.php?f=2 &t=2879

As such, I would like to self-nominate for this one.
. . . . . . . . . .

Annie responds:

Thanks, Dionne.

We'll be getting a mailing list up for the interested parties very

All: One piece of this project is just about ready for a good "Alpha
Test", and that is the Gender Wiki. It is on line here:


You're invited to take a look at it and, if you wish, edit and add
content. If you know how to edit Wikipedia, you already know how to do
so on this one. If you don't, it's very easy to pick up. There is an
"Edit" tab on most pages.

In order to add/edit, you will need to be logged in to MyDLV. Just log
in to the main MyDLV page and then visit the above URL. If you have
forgotten your MyDLV password, it can be reset on line. If you have any
difficulties, write in and we will get it straightened out promptly.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2015 organizational list.

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlvorg_at_geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Diva Las Vegas 2015
(dates to be determined)
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Archives of this list appear on the web at:


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To send material to this list: Send submission as regular e-mail to
the address: dlvorg_at_geekbabe.com
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Received on Wed Jul 02 2014 - 08:41:08 CDT

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