An up-coming opportunity

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An up-coming opportunity

Postby External Poster » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:07 pm

This posting is from: June L

While it is 5 weeks away, I wanted to alert folks of an up-coming

On Friday, April 22nd, from 10am until 2pm, the Illinois Secretary
of State will set-up an express, (no license plates, driver's road
tests, etc.), office at Center on Halsted.

They are particularly interested in serving two groups;

A. Homeless individuals, for whom they will be issuing no cost,
ID cards.

B. The Trans community, for whom they will be offering several services.
First, for those who have had their name changed, and have the
paper-work for getting their gender marker changed, they will be
issuing new IDs or Driver's Licenses.

Second, they will be issuing state ID cards, to accompany a Driver's
Licenses. While the date, (name, address, gender will be the same),
the photo need not be. Thus, one can have documentation,
showing how they present, some or all the time.

April 22nd
10am until 2pm
Center on Halsted
3656 n. Halsted
Chicago, IL
To RSVP, or get more information, contact;

(This posting was entered by June L, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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