A Question

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A Question

Postby External Poster » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:00 am

This posting is from: Another Gina

Hi, I read the site and the F.A.Q. and I didn't see anything about

I suffer from nyctalopia, which is a kind of congenital night
blindness. I can get around just fine in the day, but in the
dark I'm almost totally blind, which includes most bars.

Here's my question. A lot of your pictures look dark, like
they are in bars. If I come, how many events are in bars or
in other dark places. What can you tell me about that.

(This posting was entered by Another Gina, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

A Question

Postby External Poster » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:18 am

This posting is from: annie

>Here's my question. A lot of your pictures look dark, like
>they are in bars. If I come, how many events are in bars or
>in other dark places. What can you tell me about that.

Only a few of our activities this year will be in what
I would consider to be dark bars. Most of the venues I
can think of right off hand will have normal inside
illumination. For those that will actually be in bars,
such as the Bar Crawl on Wednesday or the social option
on Friday, there will be other options to choose from.

Showrooms will be dark when the show is on, of course,
but they do have house lights before and after.

I really don't know what your threshold is, but there
should be very few activities at which this will be
a problem. I'm really not sure if I'm answering this
adequately, since I don't know how much illuminance
you need, but I would say that if you can see in
normal household lighting, you should be fine.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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