Coverage for Pinkfest ...

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Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby External Poster » Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:25 am

This posting is from: Jackie McKethen

Hi Annie,

While you are in Chicago for Pinkfest, I wouldlove to hav you as a guest
on my TV show, "The Jackie Oooo Show". I have attached a flyer about it.

I can also tape some of the fest for our show. I will take great care to
not "out" anyone, by making sure that no one gets filmed who does not
wish to be filmed. If you wish to call me my phone Number is
630-915-0182 or 708-672-2632.


(This posting was entered by Jackie McKethen, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby annie » Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:16 am

> While you are in Chicago for Pinkfest, I would love to hav you as a guest
> on my TV show, "The Jackie Oooo Show".

Thanks, but I'm going to respectfully decline, from a personal standpoint of course. Others are free to accept any similar offer if they wish. I just don't have a need for any exposure.

> I have attached a flyer about it.

This mailing list strips attachments. If you'll please send that under separate cover to me at (annie at annie dot net) I will post it so all can see it.

> I can also tape some of the fest for our show. I will take great care to
> not "out" anyone, by making sure that no one gets filmed who does

What's everyone's thoughts on this? Comments, please! :)
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Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby External Poster » Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:11 pm

This posting is from: Jackie McKethen

Ok, no problem.....

(This posting was entered by Jackie McKethen, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby Valerie » Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:11 am


Pinkfest is mostly a vacation rather than a convention, so I'm at a loss to think of what you might catch on film or what the logistics would look like. There are a couple of events that are primarily attended by members of the community, but most are adventures out and about in the mainstream world.
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Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby External Poster » Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:28 am

This posting is from: Jackie McKethen

I suppose being in TV, film and theatre, and having had so many
transgenders come on my shows to share their stories, or information for
other transgenders, the thought that there might be some who would like
the oppurtunity to share the experience, or their stories or any
information useful to our worldwide audience, that you, or some others
would like to do so. I am totally aware of "not outing" people, so I
would not do that, but I think it is each individuals choice if they
would like to speak to their sisters for any one of the reasons
mentioned. You don't wish to, jsut say so, but please don't question my
intentions or ethics, presumably for others. I respect you don't wish to
be filmed in any way, is fine, but show me some respect too and not
question my motives. Just because you see no value, doesn't mean others
might. My theory is....if you are at a loss for words or thoughts,
perhaps say nothing.

(This posting was entered by Jackie McKethen, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby External Poster » Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:24 pm

This posting is from: Debbie

Hi Jackie,

Is it possible to contact me directly, I would be interested in talking
to you.


[Moderator's note: We'll do an email address exchange between the two of

(This posting was entered by Debbie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby Valerie » Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:27 pm

Holy Moly!

I received the above response (by Jackie) in my email today and my first impression was that it was from someone who felt quite aggrieved by something someone else had said. Since I didn't see any other messages in my email, I assumed that they were being delivered out of order and so I logged on to see who had said what to elicit such a response. I assume someone must have said something really juicy and inappropriate.

It was ME! I was, shall we say, shocked. It was only in the last line of her post in which Jackie referenced the phrase "at a loss" that made me realize I was the alleged culprit.

I made my post (which you can see upthread) to further two purposes. First, to inform Jackie that the format of Pinkfest was less like a convention and more like a vacation. Hence, I thought there would be very few opportunities for controlled settings where I would expect a film crew to be able to operate. I just don't see them following us around or shooting in restaurants, museums, theaters, etc. Second, to plainly express my ignorance about what the logistics would look like for filming any activities at the event. See the "hence" above.

That's it. I thought that was plain from my post. It was, I thought, very innocuous and meant to be informative and casual.

In no way did I question Jackie's intentions, ethics, or motives. In no way did I question her experience in TV, film or theater, or ever imply what she would not be aware of "not outing" someone. I did not write anything disrespectful.

In fact, I spent an hour last night watching her show from last week (while I was also researching possible Pinkfest entertainment) and wondering if I should volunteer to be on her show and what, if anything I might have to contribute. I'm no activist and certainly no spokesperson for anyone, but it might be interesting to do.

In reviewing my post, I have decided that the word "catch" may have sounded a little aggressive and perhaps would have been better expressed as "capture on video".


Jackie, I honestly do not know what it was about my post that provoked your response. If you'd like to acknowledge that I was just trying to be helpful and, perhaps, take the time to educate me on the logistical issues to which I clearly claimed ignorance, I'll be happy to continue this conversation. If, on the other hand, you wish to tell me to "say nothing" and claim that I "see no value" in your work/offer and continue claiming that I have failed to show you respect or have questioned your motives... well, then, this conversation is over because I will not participate further.

- Valerie
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Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby External Poster » Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:58 pm

This posting is from: Elena

I have been on Jackie's show and can assure people that her intention is
to present trans people positively. I can also understand some people
don't want publicity about themselves. Everyone has a different comfort
level and different life situation. Choose what is right for you.


(This posting was entered by Elena, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby annie » Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:39 am

[Moderator's hat on]
All, please remember that in online forums (fora?) many of the nonverbal nuances that we use in everyday conversation do not come through and in cases this means that what was intended to be said is not what was received. In re-reading this thread carefully, nothing at all appears to be of the affrontive nature.
[Moderator's hat off]

Now, Jackie, why don't you consider joining us, not as a media representative, but as an individual? We have some very nice and interesting people and I'm sure you will like the group and the activities. I'm sure you'll be able to discuss your show in the course of conversation and perhaps pick up some who would be interested in appearing.

How 'bout it? :)
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Coverage for Pinkfest ...

Postby External Poster » Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:21 pm

This posting is from: Jackie McKethen

THANK YOU ELENA, that is my credo....I offered to do video as a service
to those that would like to make a statement or tell their story. Some
of us do, and I totally realize others can't, for their own, totally
valid, personal reasons. There are literally millions of transgenders in
the U.S. who can't "out" themselves for many reasons, and even more-so
in those 30 states that have not added "gender identity" to their Equal
Rights legislation. On Friday, June 24th, I had the distinct pleasure to
meet with 2 members of Senator Durbin's staff in his offices in
Washington D.C. because I was in D.C. for the National Organization for
Women's National Conference. As President of a chapter I was a delegate
to the conference. In my meeting with Sen. Durbin's staff, I learned
that the 2 bills introduced last year, simultaneously in the U.S. House
and Senate by 205 Democrats, which are called The New Equality Act ( SB
{Senate Bill} 1858 and HR {House Resolution} 3851 ) are still alive, but
stalled because of the Republicans, including ENDA, and have not been
defeated, because they haven't been called to the floor in either
chamber. The New Equality Act, if enacted, will literally "amend" the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 by adding the terms "gender identity" and
"sexual orientation" to the CRA of 1964. We really need to pump our
Congress persons and Senators to push this legislation, because it would
open up protection for our sisters and brothers in those 30 states that
don't offer protection through the state courts.

Although I have 2 TV shows, which anyone has an open invitation to, a
NOW Chapter to run, a Girl Scout Troop to work with, a booking agency to
run, and care-taking my ex-wife, I do intend to make some of the venues
of Pinkfest. I can have equipment ready for anyone who wants to do an
interview, or tell their story, or share any information to help other
transgenders who are just coming out, I will be prepared. I will also
book any shows in our studio for those that would like to. I will NOT
randomly take video or photos. My shows are presented to help those
folks who do not have access to immediate information where they live.
Our mission is to assist, inform and support transgenders anywhere. We
even have viewers who watch our show outside the U.S. All of our shows
from October 2011 are available in "archives" on the web site:

THE Jackie Oooo SHOW
Sundaybs @ 3PM (CST) 4pm (EST) 1pm (PST) and 9pm (GMT)
It is a ONE HOUR weekly show every Sunday at 3 PM CST. The show is for
transgenders and the transgender community, although every attempt will be
made to encourage the general public to listen. My goals are to provide
assistance, support and information to the transgenders. I will provide guests
and programming to answer questions, help with advice and information. I will
actively push the envelope regarding issues of, and in, the transgender
community. I will have guests ranging from therapists to government officials
and civic leaders to discuss the issues, as well as others that can offer help
or advice to the transgenders that have questions. The last goal is to
educate the public in order to achieve support and understanding from them. We
will have guests, set up a phone for call-ins to ask questions, do location
broadcasts at conferences, support group meetings and special events. This
will be

Your tool for communicating and bringing the community together. This show
will advocate for equal rights, respect, understanding and dignity. The show
will be live every Sunday at the times noted above, and will be available in
barchivesb 24/7 afterwards. We will look forward to any suggestions,
comments or ideas and feed back at . We hope to have
location shows at support groups, transgender conferences, events such as the
bPride Paradeb, LGBT Olympics, etc.
This flyer may be copied and distributed
Jackie McKethen, Executive Producer, Director and Host of bThe Jackie Oooo

(This posting was entered by Jackie McKethen, an external user of MyDLV.)
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