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Postby External Poster » Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:05 pm

This posting is from: Mary Beth

Hi all.

I'm thinking about buying an epilady and was wondering if anyone is
currently using one? If so, do they work well? The package says that it
will keep your legs smooth for four weeks. Is an epilady that much
better than shaving?

Your thoughts?


Mary Beth

(This posting was entered by Mary Beth, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:22 pm

This posting is from: annie

>Your thoughts?

Yes, one word ...


I've tried the Epilady twice now, and my conclusion is that it
is most definitely some kind of clandestine WWII nazi torture
device which has been repackaged and sold to a very gullible

If you would have been at DLV 1998 you could have actually won
an Epilady as a door prize. It ended up as kind of a running gag,
being passed from person to person to person, as nobody who tried
it really wanted to keep and use it. I'm not sure who eventually
ended up with it.

My guess is that if you ask around, you can probably get someone
to give you one.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:01 pm

This posting is from: kumiko yvonne watanabe

sounds too painful for me...

For me, the best has been investing in
a good brand of electrical shaver that can be
used dry or wet, and gives a good close
shave on the body.

(This posting was entered by kumiko yvonne watanabe, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:09 pm

This posting is from: annie

>What makes you describe it as a WW11 Nazi torture device.?

Because it hurts like a b*tch!

>Never heard of this Epilady. Will you describe it for me?

It pulls hair out, several at once, mechanically. It's kind of
waxing except it's a continuous pain instead of one big yank
every so often.

I tried a friend's Epilady years ago for about 2 seconds. That
was long enough to convince me not to get one.

Then in 1998 the person who donated the Epilady to DLV was not
attending, so she sent it to me to take it out there. I plugged
it in to be sure it worked and tested it, and it was just as
uncomfortable as I had remembered.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:28 pm

This posting is from: Deidre

Mary Beth: How does it work? Deidre

(This posting was entered by Deidre, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:43 pm

This posting is from: Hollyfox

Mary Beth,

Try an Emjoy. They are very good and work better than the Epilady system. I
have been using the battery operated one for going on five years and it
works great. I use it on my arms and bikini line.


(This posting was entered by Hollyfox, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:42 pm

This posting is from: Julie Brenda

hand-held device with spinning discs, catches hairs and rips them out
of your skin. Rather Painfully. I've considered calling the product

(This posting was entered by Julie Brenda, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:10 am

This posting is from: Deidre

By any chance can this device be used to remove dead skin from your
feet????? Deidre

(This posting was entered by Deidre, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:59 pm

This posting is from: Alanna

Braun makes a good one that you can get at bed bat and beyond. Ive used
it for awhile now, great on body, so-so on the face....

(This posting was entered by Alanna, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:05 am

This posting is from: CindyTXCD

Let me throw my 2c into this discussion. I've been using an epilator
for years. First one was the rotating spring. Wasn't that great but
did work on legs. The newer ones with rotating disk/tweezers work
great. I use my epilator all over from toes to nose. It does hurt a
bit when one starts using an epilator. But with continued use (2-4
pluckings) the hairs "get used to" being pulled out and it becomes
comfortable. One must be cautious when using an epilator in an area of
loose skin as the tweezers will pinch the skin instead of grabbing
hairs. For example, in the groin area. It would be helpful to have
someone to help you stretch the skin on the scrotum, for example. I
don't have anyone to help, however. Let's see, how to explain this. I
wrap my hand around my scrotum so the testicles stretch the skin out.,
and I am able to pull most of the hairs with the epilator. Rest get
pulled with tweezers. I leave only a patch of pubic hair above my penis
(on my "mons pubis." Oh, and be careful of the loose skin around one's

Easy to use on legs, abdomen, chest, butt, underarms, toes and fingers,
arms, even back. I use it on my face, too, but the facial hair is
rooted so deeply that it must be grown out longer than other parts of
the body so the epilator can get a grip on it. So I never can get a
close facial "shave" with the epilator. I don't have any problem with
rash. I use a "wrinkle remover" cream afterwards and it soothes the
face. The stubble seems to be in style for males nowadays, and when I
dress I shave it off. Most of the facial hairs have been pulled out so
as it grows back, it is much less dense than it would otherwise be.
Even though I use mine on my face, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone
else as it is very time consuming and the results aren't that great.

Epilators are designed to be used on legs. Using all over causes 5-10
times the wear as they are designed for, so they wear out faster. I've
use epilators from Emjoy, Epilady (disk & spring), Braun and Panasonic.
Braun and Panasonic hold up best and I would recommend them over Emjoy
and Epilady.

Skin should be dry and free of oils. Shower, exfoliate, dry, use your
epilator, then moisturize. Exfoliation is very important. Reduces or
prevents ingrown hairs. Makes skin feel much softer. Skin must be very
dry before using epilator. Otherwise it will grab the skin. And
natural body oils on the hairs prevent the epilator from grabbing the
hairs tightly. Moisturizer after is a must. I do my whole body once a
week. Touch up areas with coarse hair mid week (chest, pubic area).

Hope this helps. Yeah, there is a little pain the first time or two.
But it goes away with continued use. Give it a try. You'll learn to
love it.


(This posting was entered by CindyTXCD, an external user of MyDLV.)
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